Pastor Mark Wall

Men’s Ministries at Christ’s Center

Pastor Mark Wall leads our men’s ministries at Christ’s Center.

Weekly Groups

Sexual Integrity: Healing Happens in Community

“Instead of your shame you shall have double honor…” Isaiah 61:7

In 2019, we began meeting in groups in order to address the arena of sexual addiction. We utilize books and video content from Pure Desire ministries, particularly the Conquer Series (an introductory curriculum), and the Seven Pillars to Freedom series (a longer group study.)

These are not old school “accountability groups.”  Our goal is not simply to overcome unwanted behaviors in our lives, but to mature in Christ and live more like Jesus. That can only be accomplished when we stop isolating and start walking alongside one another on our spiritual journey. We have to face our pains and our fears. Healing happens in community. So instead of focusing only on sexual addiction, we share about our whole lives.

Are you interested in joining a group, or for finding out more about Men’s Ministries at CC? Find out more information by emailing Pastor Mark Wall, our community pastor.

The Conquer Series was created by KingdomWorks Studios, in partnership with Pure Desire and featuring Dr. Ted Roberts, and has been instrumental in raising awareness to the detrimental effects of sexual addiction. For many men, it was the on-ramp that led them to a Seven Pillars of Freedom group, where they discovered lasting change and healing.

Seven Pillars groups are designed to provide a safe place to process addiction, build a lifestyle of accountability, and find healing. The workbook helps break denial, bring understanding of sex addiction, limits damage from behavior, and brings sobriety. The instructions and exercises in the workbook create a structure for freedom and provide the biblical truth necessary to build on.

Monthly and Annual Events

Monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Annual Men’s Retreat