Some call them “Spiritual Disciplines.” Others say they are “Spiritual Exercises.” Whatever their name, they are essential to the Christian life. Followers of Christ have practiced these “rhythms” since the days of the early church. Why? Because Jesus Himself practiced them. If we want to be His disciples, we must learn how to incorporate them into our own daily lives.

So how many “rhythms” are there? That depends on who you ask. There are countless ways you can divide and combine these activities. Some, for instance, might combine prayer and worship. Others might divide scripture and meditation. These decisions often depend on personal preference. What works for you might not work for me.  The point is not to write the perfect list, but to find a daily cadence in our own relationship with God. None of us will pray exactly the same prayers, or meditate on just the same verses, or rest in the same manner. We are individuals who will relate to God in our own unique ways.

This sermon series, then, is designed to give practical ideas for beginning spiritual disciplines. Our sermon notes are included on each page, along with the sermon audio, and resources for further investigation. We hope and pray you will fall so in love with these timeless spiritual activities that you find yourself looking more and more like Jesus Christ.